Meanings of the PLC Indicators
(1) RUN indicator light: Indicates that the PLC is running. If the RUN indicator is off, it means that ...
Are stepper servos and motors the same
Stepper servos and stepper motors are both the same device, but they work and are controlled differently. A stepper ...
RS485 CANopen Gateway Application
1. Industrial automation control system: RS485 CANopen gateway can connect different industrial automation control equipment to realize data exchange ...
CAN Optical Transceiver FAQ
CAN optical transceiver is a CAN gateway converter integrated with CANBUS interface and optical fiber interface, which can transmit ...
Difference between DA and AD?
DA and AD are terms we often hear when using PLC. D refers to the digital quantity, that is, ...
What is Analog?
The analog quantity refers to the continuous change of the variable within a certain range. Note that it is ...