Data Saving and Real-time Saving
Data Saving and real-time saving All the GCAN USB-CAN have the function of "Data saving and Real-time Saving". As shown below. There ...
Automatic Baud rate Identification of GCAN USBCAN
Automatic identification of the baud rate If you don't know the baud rate, you can choose automatic identification of the baud ...
Different Data Transmission function of GCAN USB to CAN
1. Data reception If there is data on the CAN-bus, the receive data window will have data displayed as below. Click here to go ...
CANopen Master Simulator Function of GCAN USBCAN
Let's look at the CANopen master simulator function of USB-CAN converter. We can click on the left "Find slave station" to ...
OBD II function of GCAN USBCAN
GCAN have lots of User all over the world, so from this article, GCAN bring everyone to see the OBD II ...
CAN-bus Repeater, a powerful Repeater
Introduction CAN-bus repeater can establish a physical coupling of two CAN-bus systems with the same or different baud rates. There ...