Unique features of the 2-channel USBCAN analyzer. Including Relay, Offline, Data forwarding.
Open ECAN Tools software and click “Mode” button.

At the top of the CAN1 and CAN2 channel tabs, you can select the device’s mode of operation, and the double channels devices support the CAN relay function. By setting the baud rate of CAN1 and CAN2 respectively, two bus data with different baud rates can be transmitted.
Click on “write settings”, then close the software, and then power-on again, you can achieve offline relay mode. The hardware device provides external 5V DC.
Second is Offline function
Users can write offline programs by loading the TXT document. After the program is written offline, the data function can be transmitted and no need to connect the computer, power is running. Specific TXT documentation rules and examples can be found in the CD with the device.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
Format description | Waiting time | Pattern | Trigger ID | Replace mask | Transmit ID |
Frame format / frame type | DLC | Frame data | Times | Interval time |
E.g. | 10, | 1, | 4000 0000, |
0000, | 144, | 0, | 8, | 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08, | 100, | 500 |
Remarks | Unit ms | 0 is Infinite times | Unit ms |
②Pattern: 1=CAN1 receive and transmit, 2=CAN2 receive and transmit, 3=CAN1 channel receives the data and transmits the data from the CAN2, 4=CAN2 channel receives the data and transmits the data from the CAN1.
③Trigger ID: 40000000 represent no trigger ID. If it sets to 11111111, it means that the data will not be sent until it receives a data which has the frame ID 11111111.
④Replace mask:This section is sixteen hexadecimal data and needs to be converted to binary. For example, the 0020 can be expressed as 0000 0000, 0010 0000. The first eight bits mean that whether the frames ID and lengths should be replaced. The last eight bits mean that whether the frame data should be replaced. 0 means no change, 1 means change. If it is set to replace it, the data will be 00.
⑤Transmit ID:If you have set the trigger ID, this part will only be sent if triggered. If not(That is 40000000), this ID is the normal frame ID to send.
⑥Frame format / frame type:0=Standard data frame, 1=Standard remote frame, 2=Extended data frame, 3=Extended remote frame.
⑧Frame data: Spaces should be in the middle of each byte.
⑨Times: 0 represent Unlimited send.
10,1,40000000,0000,144,0,8,01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08,100,500
It means: power on waiting 10ms; initializes the CAN1 channel to receive and send data; no trigger ID; do not replace ID and data; transmit ID 144; standard frame, data length is 8, frame data is 01 02…..08, send times is 100, interval time is 500ms.
Third is Data forwarding function
Click “Show Mode” in ECAN Tools software. As shown below.
①CAN1 receives data, sent by CAN1: CAN1 receives data immediately transmit from CAN1.
②CAN1 receives data, sent by CAN2: CAN1 channel receives the data and transmits the data from the CAN2. The CAN1 and CAN2 channels can be set with different baud rates.
This function allows you to directly see the direction of CAN data transmission.
So if you want to know more, fell free to contact us, and we will be very glad to help you. Or go to our website.